Tuesday, 25 May 2010


so yeah. one more year has passed.and once again i am fearing just how old i am getting. today will not be fun unfortunately got a HUGE deadline on friday (boo) but these are thing i will be doing today.
1.pancakes (today is no day for regular breakfast.
2. ferris buller. all day. everyday. any day. especially birthday.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

4. no more. : background/ anti depressant music

obviously with ALL the work i have been doing. ive been listening to lots of music. currently LOVING bruce springsteen. and i dont even care who know it.

my husband is in this band angus and julia stone (but not in the video. google him)

peace out

3 is a magic number: sound smart

not even done yet.

motherboard. its a website. its about technology. 'snore' i hear you say? take it back. this this is the coolest damn thing since ice. (yes i just did that, i am allowed to make stoopid sentences, i am hysterical with 'dissertation-itis')

it tells you about all the crazy cool stuff there is going on in the world like interactive graffiti / augmented reality. its also linked with vice. there you go. it is 'cool'

procrastination pt duex: look at this

second instalment;

came across this photographer BELLA HOWARD. she does a lot of stuff for topshop which I am sure you will recognise. thats the least exciting part. check it out, seriously. its fit. promise.

website: http://bellahoward.co.uk/
blog: http://bybellazine.blogspot.com/


procrastination activity 1: get inspired

thats right, final piece of work (ever).
its three in the morning.
minus two weeks to go.
5,000 words still to write before tomorrow.
a website to make.
and a video to shoot.

.....and all i can do is eat/facebook stalk/ procrastinate.

1. Get inspired:

street style blog + facebook + ebay = chictopia